How to Have a Success Apparel Fundraiser

Hello In Stitches family! With the start of fall sports, we’ve had a lot of requests for fundraiser information so we thought we would make it easy for you. After all, we’ve been doing this for a while so we have a few tricks up our sleeve!

Our first tip is to SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!

Let people know what is going on. What you’re raising money for. What you are selling. Where their money is going. (We have a little something for you at the bottom of this post {email} so definitely keep reading.)

Next, make sure everyone knows what the LAST DAY TO ORDER is!

Also, you can tell them when to expect their orders to be delivered.


Social media is an amazing free tool that you can use to get the word out! We can provide sample pictures for you to post. (Again, keep reading for something special.)

When you’re planning your apparel fundraiser, be sure to hit ONE OR TWO PAYDAYS!

This is different depending on where you live, but often people get paid every other week, so we recommend having your fundraiser go for at least 2 weeks so that you get one payday.


Raise your hand if you love shopping online! It’s so convenient and easy. Now imagine how many more sales you would get if people could order things from the comfort of their very own phones, in their jammies… That’s where webstores come.

What’s a webstore you ask? Well, Wendy, our illustrious leader, created this amazing video to show you just how amazing webstores are. 

Want to hear the best part? They are FREE!

So, let’s take a look at an example of a successful apparel fundraiser.

Jen was diagnosed with colon cancer so the family decided to have a fundraiser for her and we were a part of it.

First, they told their story on social media:

apparel fundraiser

 While choosing a few designs for t-shirts.

apparel fundraiser

Then more free advertising on social media, plus this time, they shared the link to the webstore.

apparel fundraiser

They showed their support with the t-shirts:

apparel fundraiser

They made sure to have the fundraiser open for at least one pay period, made sure everyone knew the closing date, and then the orders came in.

apparel fundraiser

We can ship the orders directly to the customer or bag them for delivery/pick up.

apparel fundraiser

Such an easy way to help a family who is going through a hard time.

Apparel Fundraisers are great for camps, sports teams, donations for medical procedures, choir groups, band groups, schools, etc, etc, etc.

I know I have been promising you some real help when it comes to fundraisers, so here it is. First, we have a workbook all about how to have a successful fundraiser. You can download that here. 

And, here is something special that we want to offer you, our customers. When you work with us for your fundraiser, we will provide you a swipe file for social media. This will include graphics you can use plus captions!

So, give us a call the next time you need to do a fundraiser. Let’s work together to make it the best it can be!

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